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Monograph 19 Australasian Mining and Metallurgy The AusIMM. sands industry. Disposal of cyanide plant tailings and effluents in Australia Iron ore mining. Iron ore mining practice by BHP Iron Ore in Western Australia. 237 Titanium dioxide pigment production by SCM …
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Knight Hawk Coal, LLC, a coal mining company, has been at the forefront of the Illinois Coal Basin's recovery since the mid-1990s, and has access to ship high-quality, low-chlorine coal to markets throughout the United States and for global export.
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Cloud Peak Energy's, SpringCreek Mine Amendment 5 (AM5), is a proposed transportation corridor connecting the existing Spring Creek Mine to an approved coal mine permit in Wyoming, Youngs Creek Mine (Map 1 Project Overview) . The Spring Creek Mine is located in Big Horn County, roughly 8 miles north of the Montana and Wyoming border.
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Coal mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The goal of coal mining is to obtain coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the …
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As required under ARM 17.24.416 of Montana, Spring Creek Coal LLC (SCC), P.O. Box 67, Decker, Montana, 59025, hereby gives notice that SCC has filed with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality a 5-year Permit Renewal for Surface Mining Permit # C1979012, which was approved as a 5-year renewal April 11, 2014.
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